Happy Holidays from SSL

Happy Holidays from SSL

The holidays are a great time to remind ourselves why we recover. We have an opportunity to spend time with friends, family and our sober community. Community gatherings remind us of the importance of keeping in contact and expressing gratitude for what we have around...
Seattle Colors

Seattle Colors

In sobriety we learn that results come with effort. Like taking a walk on a cold day, beauty can reveal itself with preparation and determination. The fall is a great time to reflect on how beauty comes with change. The days growing shorter remind us to appreciate...
Fall in Seattle

Fall in Seattle

As we approach the rainy season in Seattle, at SSL we keep up with getting outside as much as possible to enjoy everything the area has to offer. The seasons remind us that everything eventually changes. It becomes easy to let that change affect routine. In...
Enjoying Seattle Summer

Enjoying Seattle Summer

The SSL team is continuing our tradition of exploring the mountains outside Seattle this time with trips to Lake 22 and Snow Lake. Seattle Sober Living schedules hiking trips throughout the summer to encourage connection, health and stock up on sunlight before the...
Hiking with SSL

Hiking with SSL

One of the great gifts of recovery is reconnecting with world around us in all it’s forms. At SSL we encourage group activities and take full advantage of the beauty of the surrounding mountains. Sometimes all that first step takes is a gentle nudge to find the...
Growing Roots in Recovery

Growing Roots in Recovery

At times early recovery can be like a Seattle winter. The world can seem a little greyer and the nights a little longer. As spring is starting to peek through we are reminded that these periods of transition foster new growth and life. Rain can help us grow stronger...